Tricks To Downsize When Moving Into A Studio Apartment
Nov 21, 2022
Downsizing is a great concept for those who want to get the most out of their life with less. If you are moving from a big house to a studio apartment, you need to make small adjustments for a quality life.
Deliberate purging of household items can make it easy to save time, energy and money during relocation. Make a list of items you want to take with you and hire removalists Sunshine Coast depending on your specific requirements. You can become a minimalist and eliminate unwanted items you no longer need.
To make that happen, plan things ahead and prepare to accommodate your living needs with less space. Find innovative ways to create a comfortable, relaxing and stylish
indoor environment in your new home on Sunshine Coast.
Here are some pro tips and tricks to help you downsize your home before moving to a studio apartment.
1. Prepare As Early As Possible
If you have decided to become a minimalist and bought a studio apartment, start the planning process for quick and hassle-free downsizing. Make sure you all are on the same page to reduce conflicts if you have a family.
This is one of the most important steps, especially if you have lived in a home for more than 10 years. You have collected plenty of things, which is the best time to cut down your items.
2. Discover Your Lifestyle Needs
It is super easy to become overwhelmed with eliminating unnecessary items. Still, tossing a sentimental-attached item when downsizing your home is critical.
So, doing your homework and asking yourself a few questions about your lifestyle expectations is good. Since you are moving to a smaller house, you have already decided to live like a minimalist. So, here are some questions you can answer before starting the decluttering process:
- Do you have enough space for oversized furniture items in your new home?
- What is the size of your studio apartment?
- Do you want to keep items because you spend a lot of money buying them?
- Are you ready to reduce your household clutter?
3. Think Creatively
Downsizing can drastically affect your lifestyle and it can help you
cut your moving cost. Instead of bringing everything to your new home, take a moment and think wisely. It is important to understand that every little area of your abode has a purpose. With a little planning, you can make your little space a beautiful abode in no time.
For instance, a shelf can become the place to store all your bed linens. You can utilise space differently to make the most out of it.
If you don’t want to purge sentimental items, take photographs and create memories. This can be a great experience for kids who don’t want to let go of old stuffed toys.
Make sure you hire trained professionals for safe and quick removals in Sunshine Coast. They will come to your place with all the necessary tools and save you time and energy.
4. Get Rid of Clutter
It is imperative to approach this phase with a clear mind and streamlined vision. You need to stay energetic and make decisions quickly.
First of all, inspect all rooms, every nook and cranny and sort items. Keep big boxes or plastic bins with you, including:
- Trash
- Recycle
- Sell
- Donate
- Storage
- Scan
Keep the layout of your new abode in mind while de-cluttering your items. It is good to upgrade your electronic items, such as using a Wi-Fi-compatible printer to remove extra cables or picking a TV that mounts to the wall. This will make your abode spacious.
5. Engage in a Broad Sweep
Refrain from creating a mess when de-cluttering and downsizing your home. Encounter room by room or category by category to stay organised. It helps you set time limits and keep you on track.
If you are de-cluttering by category, consider the following list:
- Electronics
- Clothing and shoes
- Tools
- Furniture
- Kitchen Items
- Luggage and bags
- Gym Equipment
- Books
- Toys
- Games
- Collectibles
- Bathroom items
Find trusted charities in Sunshine Coast where you can donate pre-loved clothing and furniture items to underprivileged people. You can also
find registered charities in your local area and donate your stuff.
6. Downsize Paperwork With Care
Believe it or not! Piles of documents and paperwork around your home can create a lot of clutter. It is good to save documents like pay stubs, statements and medical receipts electronically.
However, do not eliminate the hard copies of credentials and other important documents, such as home loan papers, deeds, wills, licenses, address proofs, etc.
7. Go for Quality over Quantity
Make sure you pick household items, precisely furniture pieces, to fulfil your multipurpose needs. If you are investing in new items when downsizing, choose multipurpose furniture items. For instance, nightstands with closed storage and ottomans with tops as it offer more space.
After relocating necessary household items, consider a
proper unpacking guide when settling in your home.
Creating a complete checklist and downsizing your home with the help of these tricks can help you relocate easily.
Do not forget to hire trained
removals in Sunshine Coast for the utmost safety of your precious possessions. They will take care of everything you take to a studio apartment.