How to Make Moving House Fun for Kids?
Happy mother and child packing cardboard boxes

How to Make Moving House Fun for Kids?

Jun 28, 2018 Relocating a house may be stressful and challenging for you, especially if you have small toddlers. The stress level of moving to a new house increases when it comes to dealing with the swing moods of your kids. Being a parent, it is your responsibility to keep your children calm and composed throughout the move. Fortunately, hiring experienced and cheap removalists in Sunshine Coast can reduce the pressure out of your move to some extent, but you have to encourage your kids and keep them involved in different moving phases. The feeling of losing close friends, old house and neighbourhood behind could make them feel lonely. So make sure you make them comfortable and keep their excitement high. Below are some super-amazing tips that will convert your complicated moving chores into fun-loving activities for your kid. Let’s get started!

1. Involve your Kids in a Moving Process

Moving a house from one location to another can be perplexing for your children. Since they will be leaving their friends, school and room, make sure you stay connected with them and encourage them to assist you in a moving process. Let your kids know that they will be shifting to the new residence in Sunshine Coast and you need them to conduct a soothing and hassle-free move. It is good to involve them in pre-moving processes, especially at the time when you are sorting out items that you no longer needed. Allow them to decide what they need and what they don’t in a new house. Tip: Take your kids on tour to your new residence and show them the local shops, playground, and other entertainment hubs.

2. Make a Wish List with Them

To combat your kid’s physiological breakdown, encourage them to create a wish list of things that they need in their new house. Allow them to think out-of-the-box while collecting decorative items for their new room. Keep their excitement level high by showing them the floor layout of your new residence. This is how you can reduce the stress out of a move from their mind.

3. Give Them Some Control Over your Move

If you are moving interstate from Perth to Sunshine Coast, make sure you create a moving checklist ahead of time. If you are worried about your kids, then it is good to give them some control over your move. Allow your toddlers to assist you in choosing the furniture for your new house, the colour of walls and other interior stuff. They will feel excited about the new residence when you include them in such activities.

4. Let Them Pack their Toys & Other Belongings

Introduce some innovative ideas and get your kids involved in packing chores. Boost them to pack their own toys and other inexpensive treasures using bubble wrap and packing paper, while you concentrate on packing delicate items. Make them realise that they are playing a pivotal part in an entire packing process. Well, you can make the packing process a fun-loving one by using waste or unused materials for wrapping their personal stuff. Tip: Keep asking them for help in different phases of your move.

5. Organise a Goodbye Party

Don’t forget to throw a goodbye party for your kids. You can invite your children’s friends and your relatives and neighbours for a warm goodbye party. It is good to arrange fun loving activities and games to keep the party on. Farewell parties also strengthen the relationships with your friends who will be leaving behind when you move to the Sunshine Coast.

6. Stick to the Same Routine

Small children between 5 to 12 don’t like to move their houses. They get annoyed with changes, and that’s why it is imperative for parents to continue with the same routine. It is good to follow the same daily rituals from the day one. Also, spend quality time with them, tell bedtime stories and eat meals together. As a responsible parent, you can involve in such activities that can help you stay connected with your children all the time.

7. Decorate Rooms with Them

Once you reach your new residence, ask your children to help you in unpacking boxes and organising the entire house. You can include them in decorating their rooms using creative ideas and also encourage them to get familiar with the new place. Assist them in arranging their toys and other small treasures in their room. Make them feel like they are an important part of a family and you need them for these difficult chores. This will make them feel happy and enthusiastic.

8. Explore New school

New school and other places are always fun to explore, especially for children. Since enrolling in the new school is a challenging task, make sure you do it before shifting to the new house. You can take your kid for a visit to meet new teachers. Tip: Don’t forget to ask about extracurricular activities such as swimming, horse riding, playing pianos and guitar.


The psychological stress of the move on children may be stronger as compared to the elder ones. They may feel annoyed, unhappy and anxious at the same time. So, it is better to involve them in moving chores and introduce some of the exciting activities that can make your kids enjoy the entire moving Process. You can hire experienced removalists in Sunshine Coast if you want to protect your belongings and other treasures from damages. You one wise decision can give you a sense of relief throughout the moving process.